Sunday, 8 May 2016

Goslings and foxes!

We walked around the lake at West Stow County Park the other day and there were lots of Greylag geese goslings about, both on the water and huddled in groups on the bank.  Very fluffy, pretty and cute of course.

Along side the lake the anglers have erected a high fence to keep the otters out (I've yet to see one though!).  The fence runs along the River Lark. The other side of the Lark we saw some more Canada geese and were just remarking that they didn't seem to have any goslings with them when we spotted a fox. It was sitting just outside a sandy burrow watching the geese. The geese were not particularly bothered by the fox and after a few minutes it disappeared down a hole.  Apart from passing in a car, I haven't seen a fox as clear as this one. It was still quite a distance from us but was thrilling nonetheless. There is a RSPB reserve that side of the river so I'm sure there are plenty of feeding opportunities!

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