Sunday, 2 June 2019

Audience Participation

June is here which means it's time to encourage everyone to get a little wild. The Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild campaign is designed to get people reconnecting with nature by doing a random act of wildness each day on the month.

I don't think many days go by where I don't do something in nature but of course I have signed up and will be making a concerted effort to persuade others to join me and get outdoors even just for a few minutes.

Yesterday was all about my granddaughter who is nearly 4. She played out in the paddling pool, grass beneath her feet and when she was finished she helped in the garden recycling the water onto my flowers.

Today we walked 6 miles around our local National Trust nature reserve - Wicken Fen. We often walk here and today we spotted a little owl, marsh harrier, meadow pipits, skylarks, goldfinches, cuckoo and brown hares. One of the hares was quite close before he/she spotted us.

We also saw a few dragonflies, the first of the season, and a painted lady butterfly.

As well as 30 Days Wild we also have BBC Springwatch back on our screens and they have a citizen science project - Gardenwatch - running with various missions to complete. I completed Mission 1 last week which is just telling them about your garden. You don't need a big garden, all sorts of garden data is helpful. I will be completing the other missions if possible next week.

One other project I noted was this survey to record sightings of 'cuckoo spit'. These contain the spittlebug or froghopper as it feeds on the plant and the data being collected will map the distribution of the insect in a pre-emptive strike against Xylella, a deadly plant disease.